Monday, January 10, 2011

Hello Hello

Here we are: a space to place my indomitable face. How can one's face actually BE indomitable is a mystery to me. Perhaps my face is a shield against bullets. Actually, I meant the word abominable, which means something quite different. Yay for words.

This is actually coming out a lot easier than I thought it would. Blah blah blah. I thought about many things to blog about (not talk about, must use correct terminology) but now I have forgotten. How not surprised I am.

I am very hungry.

As you can see, I am utilizing the use of (bad grammar) paragraphs to break up the flow of my words, or lack thereof, to make the text more "digestable" per se. Wait, I don't think I can use "per se" here. Damn.

I have tea.
It is now cold as we have rocks for coasters. I was going to tell you of the many definitions for coasters, but I believe the cat is on the kitchen counter again. Let me check.

Yes, yes she was. I have moved the hamburger back into the microwave for protection.
This is going well, isn't it? It reminds me of the Satanic Order of the Chattering Nuns, or whatever, from Good Omens, I book I have just finished re-reading. Ahh, good book. Now I'm back to Life of Pi, and I've decided to name any future orange tabbies of mine Richard Parker. Even if they're female.

The skin web between my middle finger and ring finger on my right hand feels odd, and though I thought it must be an oncoming mutation, in which I would become something (excuse me, someone) resembling Nightcrawler (aka Kurt Wagner), I now believe it is due to the cat scratch I obtained some days earlier. Well, damn.

I am going to stop now and feed the animals.


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